Friday, July 9, 2010

Google Docs

What is Google Docs?

Think of it as an MS office-like suite of applications (word processing, spreadsheets, presentations and forms) where you can collaborate with members all in one place to generate document, spreadsheets, presentations and even forms, like surveys. And yes, all of this is free. Yes, that fun word we all use "collaboration" is key in the Google Docs world, but we'll get to that in a minute.

First, let's take a quick look at the Common Craft video about Google Docs.

Now that you know a little more about the reasoning behind using Google Docs, its important to take a look at the 'collaborative' nature of these powerful tools. Imagine how many times you struggled to compose a document or presentation with a group. You were constantly constrained with finding a time for everyone to meet to hash out the details of your project. With Google Docs, there is no longer the need to wait for everyone to get together. All you have to do is simply get online anywhere in the world and start working.

All your work is saved in one location online and there is no need to constantly email your team with the latest documents. I know I'm constantly looking for ways to streamline my workflow and Google Docs seems like just the tool I need to help me in my classroom. Now its time to check it out...

If you want to learn more about getting started, here's a great site for checking out a tour of Google Docs and this video will help you get started as a teacher hoping to utilize Google Docs in the clasrom

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